Wow! I am just now updating my website after a longggg break. Don’t worry — I haven’t stopped my photography business! I have, however, been prioritizing working with clients and not on my website. It’s been a crazy past 5 months — I joyously welcomed my first pregnancy… and tried to remain joyous as I dipped into the challenges of 12 weeks of non-stop nausea and exhaustion, tied together with a home remodel & move, and travel across the country for two weddings in one month. I’m finally feeling better and more energized, even if I can no longer touch my toes or stray far from a restroom. So, time to update you on all the amazing clients I’ve had these past months!
Darling baby Lou was born in August. He was wide eyed nearly the entire time I spent at his home — perfect for photos of his beautiful dark eyes. I love the photos of Lu on his mama’s back and the ones of his adoring parents peering down at him… and I love his little furrowed brow. So sweet!